Hiring & Releasing

Renew Work Pass

Other Services


Fly In FDW

  • -> New/Fresh
    FDW coming in from overseas to work in Singapore for the first time.
  • -> Ex. Singapore
    Experienced FDW who has previously worked in Singapore and currently back in her home country.
  • -> Ex. Abroad
    FDW who have never worked in Singapore before but have experience in other countires, e.g. Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, & the middle east

Transfer FDW

  • -> FDW Currently In Singapore seeking to be transfered from their current employer to another employer.

Direct Hiring

  • -> If you have an FDW from overseas, we can assist in the processing and documentation for bringing the FDW to Singapore.
  • -> If you have an FDW ready for transfer, we can assist in the application and administraton to apply for a work pass.

Release Your Helper To Us

Given the current Covid-19 situation, there are some employers who may not require helpers anymore as more people are working from home and are able to take care of their household themselves.

You may release your helper to us at no charges, instead of sending your helper back, which would require administrative work and incur charges from the air ticket and pre-departure covid test.

However, we would appreciate an honest review of your helper's personality and working attitude. You can entrust your helper to us.

Helper Seeking For Transfer

We do not encourage job-hopping. However, in the event that your current employer may not need your service due to unforseen circumstances, or you have completed your contract, you may contact us so that we can understand more about your current situuation. You will need to obtain consent from your current employer for transfer.

Get in touch!

We will be glad to hear from you


+65 6636 5366

+65 6636 5367




8 Ubi Road 2, Zervex Building #04-31

Singapore 408538


FCCMaid is a brand owned by [Firstcare Consultancy]. (fcc-recruit.com)


8 Ubi Road 2, Zervex Building #04-31 Singapore 408538

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